Tuesday, August 22, 2006


When I watch the news I have this nagging feeling that what I am watching is surreal. Like it is all part of a dream so I can disregard it and when I wake up everything will be ok so I don't need to worry about what I am observing. Well recently I woke up and everything is not ok. Until recently I was content not knowing about what was happening in the world, but I have done a complete 180 on that. I used to fall into the category of "ignorance is bliss", but today I am done with being ignorant. I want to know what kind of world I brought my children into so I can do what I need to do to try to ensure that they have some kind of future. The purpose of this blog will be to help inform as many people as possible about what is going on in the government today that is not heavily reported on, if at all. I am not a politician and I am not a historian. I am an American citizen who is watching The Constitution and The Bill Of Rights whither away before my eyes. I feel like I need to do something about it so this is my attempt at informing as many people as I can about where we are headed.

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