Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fwd: Before you vote

This is an email I recently sent out via the forbidden "Reply To All" button. After getting a political email I didn't quite agree with that seemed to possibly support John McCain I decided not to remain silent or passive. So far I have had exactly 0 responses on it. I believe the bumper sticker that reads "If you are not outraged, you are not paying attention" fits here. I would have expected to make someone angry enough to write me back, whether in agreement or not I didn't really care. Personally I think people in general have just become so desensitized by the media that feeling anger, passion and emotion towards a topic like this is too hard to muster any more. Now if for some reason the season premier of American Idol or Desperate Housewives was interrupted, that would be a different story, that might incite a riot! People don't really seem to care that we are losing our national sovereignty and the president has the power to claim dictatorship control over this country though. Go figure...

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Hello all.

I don't know who wrote this since it was anonymous and I don't normally reply to things like this, however after reading through it I feel motivated to do so. I do not intend to offend anyone either so please feel free to investigate things for yourself and come to your own conclusions as I have done.

Whoever wrote this is correct, we do not live in the same world as we did around WWII or even Vietnam. Things are very different now. We live in a world controlled by fear and deception. Just look around, car accidents kill more Americans each year than terrorists. Why don't we wage wars on automobiles?

It is the same tactic Hitler used. Provide a false enemy and control the people with fear. Trick them into giving up their rights voluntarily in the interest of "security". The Patriot Act, "Homeland" Security, the National ID card and Presidential Directive NSPD-51 which gives the president the authority to declare martial law in the event of a self declared (no congressional approval) national emergency are all examples of methods being used to take our freedoms away.

Though many don't know it there are candidates other than Obama and McCain. There are third party candidates out there and I recommend checking them out. Personally I am voting for Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution party. He stands for the beliefs of the founding fathers and the Constitution. He has also vowed to appoint Ron Paul as Secretary Of Treasury if he were elected. If you have been lucky enough to catch Ron Paul talking about our economy you might have realized he is the only one who makes any sense in regards to putting our economy back together.

And oh yeah, we are about to be merged with Mexico and Canada into a North American Union under the Security and Prosperity Partnership. We will all be spending Ameros instead of dollars before you know it.

CNN Report on the North American Union

Security And Prosperity Partnership

Presidential Directive NSPD-51

Chuck Baldwin

Ron Paul

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